026 Quote Inspirations ISAAC NEWTON
Scientist and Mathematician,Pioneer of the Theory of Gravity
-2025 01 13 - 22.45
Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy.I belief that the natural world operates through simple, elegant laws. Despite their simplicity, these laws are profound and intelligent, showing the inherent wisdom of nature in organizing complex phenomena with straightforward principles.
Kutipan Isaac Newton, "Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy," mengungkapkan keyakinannya bahwa alam bekerja melalui hukum-hukum yang sederhana dan elegan. Meski sederhana, hukum-hukum ini sangat mendalam dan cerdas, menunjukkan kebijaksanaan alam dalam mengatur fenomena kompleks dengan prinsip yang mudah dipahami.
Isaac Newton (1643–1727) adalah salah satu ilmuwan terbesar sepanjang sejarah. Lahir di Woolsthorpe, Inggris, Newton dikenal sebagai fisikawan, matematikawan, dan filsuf yang merevolusi cara manusia memahami alam semesta.
Newton mengembangkan teori gravitasi universal setelah mengamati jatuhnya apel, yang memicu pertanyaan tentang gaya yang mengatur pergerakan benda-benda di Bumi dan langit. Penemuannya dituangkan dalam karya monumental PhilosophiƦ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687), yang menjadi dasar mekanika klasik.
Selain gravitasi, Newton menciptakan kalkulus, cabang matematika yang sangat penting dalam ilmu pengetahuan modern. Ia juga melakukan eksperimen dalam optik, membuktikan bahwa cahaya putih terdiri atas berbagai warna.
Sebagai seorang profesor di Universitas Cambridge dan anggota Royal Society, Newton menjadi simbol pencerahan ilmiah. Warisannya tidak hanya memengaruhi ilmu pengetahuan tetapi juga filosofi, menginspirasi generasi berikutnya untuk menjelajahi hukum-hukum alam dengan logika dan eksperimen.
Isaac Newton (1643–1727) was one of the greatest scientists in history. Born in Woolsthorpe, England, Newton was a physicist, mathematician, and philosopher who revolutionized humanity’s understanding of the universe.
Newton developed the theory of universal gravitation after observing a falling apple, which sparked questions about the force governing the motion of objects on Earth and in the heavens. His discoveries were compiled in the monumental work PhilosophiƦ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687), which laid the foundation for classical mechanics.
In addition to gravity, Newton created calculus, a branch of mathematics essential to modern science. He also conducted groundbreaking experiments in optics, proving that white light is composed of various colors.
As a professor at the University of Cambridge and a member of the Royal Society, Newton became a symbol of scientific enlightenment. His legacy not only shaped the development of science but also inspired future generations to explore the laws of nature through logic and experimentation.
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